Song list of forsaken-03







#   Song Genre Estimate
901 Radiohead - OK Computer (1997) Radiohead - Let Down (1997) Art Rock / Alt. Rock / Post-Britpop 10
902 Radiohead - OK Computer (1997) Radiohead - Karma Police (1997) Art Rock / Alt. Rock / Post-Britpop 10
903 Radiohead - OK Computer (1997) Radiohead - Fitter Happier (1997) Art Rock / Alt. Rock / Post-Britpop 7
904 Radiohead - OK Computer (1997) Radiohead - Electioneering (1997) Art Rock / Alt. Rock / Post-Britpop 7.5
905 Radiohead - OK Computer (1997) Radiohead - Climbing Up the Walls (1997) Art Rock / Alt. Rock / Post-Britpop 8
906 Radiohead - OK Computer (1997) Radiohead - No Surprises (1997) Art Rock / Alt. Rock / Post-Britpop 10
907 Radiohead - OK Computer (1997) Radiohead - Lucky (1997) Art Rock / Alt. Rock / Post-Britpop 8.5
908 Radiohead - OK Computer (1997) Radiohead - The Tourist (1997) Art Rock / Alt. Rock / Post-Britpop 8.5
909 Radiohead - The Bends (1995) Radiohead - Planet Telex (1995) Alt. Rock / Britpop / Post-Britpop 8
910 Radiohead - The Bends (1995) Radiohead - The Bends (1995) Alt. Rock / Britpop / Post-Britpop 8
911 Radiohead - The Bends (1995) Radiohead - High and Dry (1995) Alt. Rock / Britpop / Post-Britpop 8
912 Radiohead - The Bends (1995) Radiohead - Fake Plastic Trees (1995) Alt. Rock / Britpop / Post-Britpop 10
913 Radiohead - The Bends (1995) Radiohead - Bones (1995) Alt. Rock / Britpop / Post-Britpop 8
914 Radiohead - The Bends (1995) Radiohead - (Nice Dream) (1995) Alt. Rock / Britpop / Post-Britpop 7.5
915 Radiohead - The Bends (1995) Radiohead - Just (1995) Alt. Rock / Britpop / Post-Britpop 8
916 Radiohead - The Bends (1995) Radiohead - My Iron Lung (1995) Alt. Rock / Britpop / Post-Britpop 8
917 Radiohead - The Bends (1995) Radiohead - Bullet Proof..I Wish I Was (1995) Alt. Rock / Britpop / Post-Britpop 8.5
918 Radiohead - The Bends (1995) Radiohead - Black Star (1995) Alt. Rock / Britpop / Post-Britpop 8
919 Radiohead - The Bends (1995) Radiohead - Sulk (1995) Alt. Rock / Britpop / Post-Britpop 7.5
920 Radiohead - The Bends (1995) Radiohead - Street Spirit (Fade Out) (1995) Alt. Rock / Britpop / Post-Britpop 9.5
921 Radiohead - Pablo Honey (1993) Radiohead - You (1993) Alt. Rock / Britpop / Grunge 8.5
922 Radiohead - Pablo Honey (1993) Radiohead - Creep (1993) Alt. Rock / Britpop / Grunge 10
923 Radiohead - Pablo Honey (1993) Radiohead - How Do You? (1993) Alt. Rock / Britpop / Grunge 7.5
924 Radiohead - Pablo Honey (1993) Radiohead - Stop Whispering (1993) Alt. Rock / Britpop / Grunge 8
925 Radiohead - Pablo Honey (1993) Radiohead - Thinking About You (1993) Alt. Rock / Britpop / Grunge 7.5
926 Radiohead - Pablo Honey (1993) Radiohead - Anyone Can Play Guitar (1993) Alt. Rock / Britpop / Grunge 8
927 Radiohead - Pablo Honey (1993) Radiohead - Ripcord (1993) Alt. Rock / Britpop / Grunge 7.5
928 Radiohead - Pablo Honey (1993) Radiohead - Vegetable (1993) Alt. Rock / Britpop / Grunge 7.5
929 Radiohead - Pablo Honey (1993) Radiohead - Prove Yourself (1993) Alt. Rock / Britpop / Grunge 7.5
930 Radiohead - Pablo Honey (1993) Radiohead - I Can't (1993) Alt. Rock / Britpop / Grunge 7
931 Radiohead - Pablo Honey (1993) Radiohead - Lurgee (1993) Alt. Rock / Britpop / Grunge 7.5
932 Radiohead - Pablo Honey (1993) Radiohead - Blow Out (1993) Alt. Rock / Britpop / Grunge 7.5
933 Radiohead - Hail To The Thief (2003) Radiohead - 2 + 2 = 5 (The Lukewarm.) (2003) Art Rock / Alt. Rock / Indie Rock 8.5
934 Radiohead - Hail To The Thief (2003) Radiohead - Sit Down. Stand Up. (Snakes & Ladders.) (2003) Art Rock / Alt. Rock / Indie Rock 8
935 Radiohead - Hail To The Thief (2003) Radiohead - Sail to the Moon. (Brush the Cobwebs Out of the Sky.) (2003) Art Rock / Alt. Rock / Indie Rock 8.5
936 Radiohead - Hail To The Thief (2003) Radiohead - Backdrifts. (Honeymoon Is Over.) (2003) Art Rock / Alt. Rock / Indie Rock 8.5
937 Radiohead - Hail To The Thief (2003) Radiohead - Go to Sleep. (Little Man Being Erased.) (2003) Art Rock / Alt. Rock / Indie Rock 8
938 Radiohead - Hail To The Thief (2003) Radiohead - Where I End and You Begin. (The Sky Is Falling In.) (2003) Art Rock / Alt. Rock / Indie Rock 8
939 Radiohead - Hail To The Thief (2003) Radiohead - We Suck Young Blood. (Your Time Is Up.) (2003) Art Rock / Alt. Rock / Indie Rock 6.5
940 Radiohead - Hail To The Thief (2003) Radiohead - The Gloaming. (Softly Open Our Mouths in the Cold.) (2003) Art Rock / Alt. Rock / Indie Rock 7.5
941 Radiohead - Hail To The Thief (2003) Radiohead - There There. (The Boney King of Nowhere.) (2003) Art Rock / Alt. Rock / Indie Rock 8.5
942 Radiohead - Hail To The Thief (2003) Radiohead - I Will. (No Man's Land.) (2003) Art Rock / Alt. Rock / Indie Rock 7.5
943 Radiohead - Hail To The Thief (2003) Radiohead - A Punchup at a Wedding. (No No No No No No No No.) (2003) Art Rock / Alt. Rock / Indie Rock 7.5
944 Radiohead - Hail To The Thief (2003) Radiohead - Myxomatosis. (Judge, Jury & Executioner.) (2003) Art Rock / Alt. Rock / Indie Rock 8
945 Radiohead - Hail To The Thief (2003) Radiohead - Scatterbrain. (As Dead as Leaves.) (2003) Art Rock / Alt. Rock / Indie Rock 7.5
946 Radiohead - Hail To The Thief (2003) Radiohead - A Wolf at the Door. (It Girl. Rag Doll.) (2003) Art Rock / Alt. Rock / Indie Rock 7
947 Echo & The Bunnymen - Ocean Rain (1984) Echo & The Bunnymen - Silver (1984) Post-Punk / Neo-Psychedelia / Jangle Pop 8.5
948 Echo & The Bunnymen - Ocean Rain (1984) Echo & The Bunnymen - Nocturnal Me (1984) Post-Punk / Neo-Psychedelia / Jangle Pop 8
949 Echo & The Bunnymen - Ocean Rain (1984) Echo & The Bunnymen - Crystal Days (1984) Post-Punk / Neo-Psychedelia / Jangle Pop 8
950 Echo & The Bunnymen - Ocean Rain (1984) Echo & The Bunnymen - The Yo Yo Man (1984) Post-Punk / Neo-Psychedelia / Jangle Pop 8
951 Echo & The Bunnymen - Ocean Rain (1984) Echo & The Bunnymen - Thorn of Crowns (1984) Post-Punk / Neo-Psychedelia / Jangle Pop 8
952 Echo & The Bunnymen - Ocean Rain (1984) Echo & The Bunnymen - The Killing Moon (1984) Post-Punk / Neo-Psychedelia / Jangle Pop 9.5
953 Echo & The Bunnymen - Ocean Rain (1984) Echo & The Bunnymen - Seven Seas (1984) Post-Punk / Neo-Psychedelia / Jangle Pop 8.5
954 Echo & The Bunnymen - Ocean Rain (1984) Echo & The Bunnymen - My Kingdom (1984) Post-Punk / Neo-Psychedelia / Jangle Pop 8
955 Echo & The Bunnymen - Ocean Rain (1984) Echo & The Bunnymen - Ocean Rain (1984) Post-Punk / Neo-Psychedelia / Jangle Pop 8
956 Echo & The Bunnymen - Heaven Up Here (1981) Echo & The Bunnymen - Show of Strenght (1981) Post-Punk / Neo-Psychedelia 8.5
957 Echo & The Bunnymen - Heaven Up Here (1981) Echo & The Bunnymen - With a Hip (1981) Post-Punk / Neo-Psychedelia 8
958 Echo & The Bunnymen - Heaven Up Here (1981) Echo & The Bunnymen - Over the Wall (1981) Post-Punk / Neo-Psychedelia 8.5
959 Echo & The Bunnymen - Heaven Up Here (1981) Echo & The Bunnymen - It Was a Pleasure (1981) Post-Punk / Neo-Psychedelia 8
960 Echo & The Bunnymen - Heaven Up Here (1981) Echo & The Bunnymen - A Promise (1981) Post-Punk / Neo-Psychedelia 9
961 Echo & The Bunnymen - Heaven Up Here (1981) Echo & The Bunnymen - Heaven Up Here (1981) Post-Punk / Neo-Psychedelia 8
962 Echo & The Bunnymen - Heaven Up Here (1981) Echo & The Bunnymen - The Disease (1981) Post-Punk / Neo-Psychedelia 8
963 Echo & The Bunnymen - Heaven Up Here (1981) Echo & The Bunnymen - All My Colours (1981) Post-Punk / Neo-Psychedelia 8
964 Echo & The Bunnymen - Heaven Up Here (1981) Echo & The Bunnymen - No Dark Things (1981) Post-Punk / Neo-Psychedelia 8
965 Echo & The Bunnymen - Heaven Up Here (1981) Echo & The Bunnymen - Turquoise Days (1981) Post-Punk / Neo-Psychedelia 8.5
966 Echo & The Bunnymen - Heaven Up Here (1981) Echo & The Bunnymen - All I Want (1981) Post-Punk / Neo-Psychedelia 8
967 Throbbing Gristle - The Third Mind Movements (2009) Throbbing Gristle - The Man from Nowhere (2009) Industrial / Dark Ambient 7.5
968 Throbbing Gristle - The Third Mind Movements (2009) Throbbing Gristle - PreMature (2009) Industrial / Dark Ambient 8
969 Throbbing Gristle - The Third Mind Movements (2009) Throbbing Gristle - Secluded (2009) Industrial / Dark Ambient 7.5
970 Throbbing Gristle - The Third Mind Movements (2009) Throbbing Gristle - Perception Is the Only Reality (2009) Industrial / Dark Ambient 8
971 Throbbing Gristle - The Third Mind Movements (2009) Throbbing Gristle - Not That I Am (2009) Industrial / Dark Ambient 8.5
972 Throbbing Gristle - The Third Mind Movements (2009) Throbbing Gristle - First Movement (2009) Industrial / Dark Ambient 8
973 Throbbing Gristle - The Third Mind Movements (2009) Throbbing Gristle - Second Movement (2009) Industrial / Dark Ambient 8
974 Throbbing Gristle - The Third Mind Movements (2009) Throbbing Gristle - Third Movement (2009) Industrial / Dark Ambient 8.5
975 Coil - Horse Rotorvator (1986) Coil - The Anal Staircase (1986) Industrial / Martial Industrial / Darkwave 8.5
976 Coil - Horse Rotorvator (1986) Coil - Slur (1986) Industrial / Martial Industrial / Darkwave 8
977 Coil - Horse Rotorvator (1986) Coil - Babylero (1986) Industrial / Martial Industrial / Darkwave 7.5
978 Coil - Horse Rotorvator (1986) Coil - Ostia (The Death of Pasolini) (1986) Industrial / Martial Industrial / Darkwave 8.5
979 Coil - Horse Rotorvator (1986) Coil - Herald (1986) Industrial / Martial Industrial / Darkwave 7.5
980 Coil - Horse Rotorvator (1986) Coil - Penetralia (1986) Industrial / Martial Industrial / Darkwave 8.5
981 Coil - Horse Rotorvator (1986) Coil - Circles of Mania (1986) Industrial / Martial Industrial / Darkwave 8
982 Coil - Horse Rotorvator (1986) Coil - Blood from the Air (1986) Industrial / Martial Industrial / Darkwave 9
983 Coil - Horse Rotorvator (1986) Coil - Who by Fire (1986) Industrial / Martial Industrial / Darkwave 8
984 Coil - Horse Rotorvator (1986) Coil - The Golden Section (1986) Industrial / Martial Industrial / Darkwave 8
985 Coil - Horse Rotorvator (1986) Coil - The First Five Minutes After Death (1986) Industrial / Martial Industrial / Darkwave 9
986 Skinny Puppy - Weapon (2013) Skinny Puppy - Wornin' (2013) Electro Industrial / Industrial / Glitch Pop 8
987 Skinny Puppy - Weapon (2013) Skinny Puppy - Illisit (2013) Electro Industrial / Industrial / Glitch Pop 8.5
988 Skinny Puppy - Weapon (2013) Skinny Puppy - Salvo (2013) Electro Industrial / Industrial / Glitch Pop 8
989 Skinny Puppy - Weapon (2013) Skinny Puppy - Glowbel (2013) Electro Industrial / Industrial / Glitch Pop 8
990 Skinny Puppy - Weapon (2013) Skinny Puppy - Solvent (2013) Electro Industrial / Industrial / Glitch Pop 8
991 Skinny Puppy - Weapon (2013) Skinny Puppy - Paragun (2013) Electro Industrial / Industrial / Glitch Pop 8
992 Skinny Puppy - Weapon (2013) Skinny Puppy - Survivalisto (2013) Electro Industrial / Industrial / Glitch Pop 8.5
993 Skinny Puppy - Weapon (2013) Skinny Puppy - Tsudanama (2013) Electro Industrial / Industrial / Glitch Pop 8.5
994 Skinny Puppy - Weapon (2013) Skinny Puppy - Plasticage (2013) Electro Industrial / Industrial / Glitch Pop 9
995 Skinny Puppy - Weapon (2013) Skinny Puppy - Terminal (2013) Electro Industrial / Industrial / Glitch Pop 8
996 Skinny Puppy - HanDover (2011) Skinny Puppy - Ovirt (2011) Electro Industrial / Industrial Rock / Industrial 7.5
997 Skinny Puppy - HanDover (2011) Skinny Puppy - Cullorblind (2011) Electro Industrial / Industrial Rock / Industrial 8.5
998 Skinny Puppy - HanDover (2011) Skinny Puppy - Wavy (2011) Electro Industrial / Industrial Rock / Industrial 7.5
999 Skinny Puppy - HanDover (2011) Skinny Puppy - Ashas (2011) Electro Industrial / Industrial Rock / Industrial 8
1000 Skinny Puppy - HanDover (2011) Skinny Puppy - Gambatte (2011) Electro Industrial / Industrial Rock / Industrial 7.5

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