CD 1 Рейтинг
1 Communication Breakdown 6.5 6.5
2 Revenge 6 6.0
3 Sin Is Law (Racket In 711) 6.5 6.5
4 Nothing's Alright 5 5.0
5 1000 Eyes 5 5.0
6 Conquer The World 5 5.0
7 Sweet Caroline 6 6.0
8 Psycho Sideshow 6.5 6.5
9 Love Is Dead 6.5 6.5
10 Where The Wild Things Are 6 6.0
11 She's So Bad It's Good 6 6.0
12 Senseless Species 6.5 6.5
13 Dangerzone 6 6.0
14 Delirium 5 5.0
15 Bloody Monday 6 6.0
16 Class Warpath 6 6.0
5.906 5.906

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