CD 1 Рейтинг
1 Nothing Else Remains 8.5 5 9 7.5
2 Hollow Be My Name 8 6 9 7.667
3 The Darkest Lie 9.5 5 10 8.167
4 Rush 9.5 5 10 8.167
5 Nail 8 5 9 7.333
6 Raivotar 7.5 5 8 6.833
7 Soul in Flames 7.5 5 8 6.833
8 Pain Becomes Me 8 5 9 7.333
9 Never Enough 8 5 9 7.333
10 Love Controlled Despair 9 5 9.5 7.833
11 The Living Dead 9 6 9.5 8.167
8.409 5.182 9.091 7.561

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