All rated albums mereanamordegard

Revolte - Síntoma (2013)
31 Aug, 2013
Revolte - Síntoma (2013)

Put the estimate   7.875

Loma Prieta - Last City  (2008)
21 Aug, 2013
Loma Prieta - Last City (2008)

Put the estimate   8.55

t.A.T.u. - 200 По Встречной (2001)
21 Aug, 2013
t.A.T.u. - 200 По Встречной (2001)

Put the estimate   7.667

Amanda Woodward - La Décadence De La Décadence (2004)
15 Aug, 2013
Amanda Woodward - La Décadence De La Décadence (2004)

Put the estimate   8.182

SL'S3 - Con La Venda Hacia La Pared (2007)
14 Aug, 2013
SL'S3 - Con La Venda Hacia La Pared (2007)

Put the estimate   8.563

Mihai Edrisch - Un Jour Sans Lendemain (2005)
14 Aug, 2013
Mihai Edrisch - Un Jour Sans Lendemain (2005)

Put the estimate   7.875

Jungbluth - Jungbluth (2012)
14 Aug, 2013
Jungbluth - Jungbluth (2012)

Put the estimate   8.583

Jungbluth - Part Ache (2013)
13 Aug, 2013
Jungbluth - Part Ache (2013)

Put the estimate   8.722

Loma Prieta - I.V. (2012)
13 Aug, 2013
Loma Prieta - I.V. (2012)

Put the estimate   8.0

CunninLynguists - Dirty Acres (2007)
08 Aug, 2013
CunninLynguists - Dirty Acres (2007)

Put the estimate   8.367

CunninLynguists - A Piece of Strange (2006)
08 Aug, 2013
CunninLynguists - A Piece of Strange (2006)

Put the estimate   8.375

CunninLynguists - SouthernUnderground (2003)
07 Aug, 2013
CunninLynguists - SouthernUnderground (2003)

Put the estimate   8.063

CunninLynguists - Will Rap for Food (2001)
07 Aug, 2013
CunninLynguists - Will Rap for Food (2001)

Put the estimate   7.417

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