
last visit  12:50, 17 May 2021
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About me:
Member Since: 03 May, 2017
Total count of estimated albums: 100
Percentage of estimated albums of the total number of albums on the site: 0.0 %
Total count of added albums: 22
Percentage of added albums of the total number of albums on the site: 0.0 %
Total count of rated songs: 1163
The average score by albums (songs): 7.638
Count of rated albums per day/week/month on average: 0.04/0.27/1.19
Total count of written reviews: 5
Got likes for reviews: 3

Last activity

London Boys - Sweet Soul Music (1991)
06 May, 2017
London Boys - Sweet Soul Music (1991)

Put the estimate   7.318

London Boys - The Twelve Commandments Of Dance (1988)
06 May, 2017
London Boys - The Twelve Commandments Of Dance (1988)

Put the estimate   8.208

Bad Boys Blue - ...Continued (1999)
06 May, 2017
Bad Boys Blue - ...Continued (1999)

Put the estimate   8.333

Take That - Beautiful World (2006)
06 May, 2017
Take That - Beautiful World (2006)

Put the estimate   7.5

Take That - The Circus (2008)
05 May, 2017
Take That - The Circus (2008)

Put the estimate   7.583

All added albums
Imagine Dragons - Evolve (2017)
09 Jan, 2021
Imagine Dragons - Evolve (2017)

Put the estimate   8.273

Imagine Dragons - Night Visions (2013)
24 Dec, 2020
Imagine Dragons - Night Visions (2013)

Put the estimate   8.167

Imagine Dragons - Smoke + Mirrors (2015)
24 Dec, 2020
Imagine Dragons - Smoke + Mirrors (2015)

Put the estimate   8.5

Miley Cyrus - Plastic Hearts (2020)
14 Dec, 2020
Miley Cyrus - Plastic Hearts (2020)

Put the estimate   1.5

Imagine Dragons - Origins (2018)
06 Dec, 2020
Imagine Dragons - Origins (2018)

Put the estimate   9.333

All rated albums
Imagine Dragons - Origins (2018)
07 Dec, 2020
Imagine Dragons - Origins (2018)

Сразу отмечу сей защищающий отзыв не необъективного фаната группы, а казуального меломана. Который ...

Blue System - 21st Century (1994)
21 Dec, 2017
Blue System - 21st Century (1994)

Моя рецензия будет скорее не на альбом, а на все творчество группы. Главное детище титана поп-диск ...

Take That - Wonderland (2017)
17 Dec, 2017
Take That - Wonderland (2017)

Нет, я знаю что ребята будут существовать в формате коллектива еще многие лета, но как группа ...

Plazma - Indian Summer (2017)
17 Dec, 2017
Plazma - Indian Summer (2017)

Это конечно никакой не новый альбом, а сборник. Так как "тащат" его именно старые вещи, вышедшие ...

Take That - III (2014)
03 May, 2017
Take That - III (2014)

Четвертый альбом Take That со времён второго созыва, названный III - из за участников которых ...

All reviews by vasiliy7

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