Рейтинг виконавців Rflng




#   Виконавець Жанр Кількість альбомів /
1 Northlane Northlane Progressive Metalcore / Metalcore / Industrial 6 / 3 8.078
2 Bring Me The Horizon Bring Me The Horizon Metalcore / Pop-Rock / Post-Hardcore 6 / 2 7.789
3 In Flames In Flames Melodic Death Metal / Alt. Rock / Melodic Metalcore 14 / 2 7.718
4 Grimes Grimes Witch House / Indietronic / Neo-Psychedelia 5 / 1 6.4
5 Enter Shikari Enter Shikari Metalcore / Post-Hardcore / Emo Pop 7 / 2 6.162
6 Imagine Dragons Imagine Dragons Indie Pop / Indietronic / Pop-Rock 6 / 5 5.768
7 Lorde Lorde Indie Pop / Indietronic / Psychedelic Pop 3 / 2 5.436

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