Рейтинг альбомів Carnagen





#   Альбом Жанр Оцінка
1 The Neighbourhood - I Love You. (2013) The Neighbourhood - I Love You. (2013) Indie Pop / Alt. R&B / Alt. Rock 7.818
2 The Neighbourhood - Wiped Out! (2015) The Neighbourhood - Wiped Out! (2015) Indie Pop / Alt. R&B / Dream Pop 7.409
3 The Neighbourhood - The Neighbourhood (2018) The Neighbourhood - The Neighbourhood (2018) Indie Pop / Alt. R&B / Synthpop 7.167
4 The Neighbourhood - Chip Chrome & The Mono-Tones (2020) The Neighbourhood - Chip Chrome & The Mono-Tones (2020) Indie Pop / Alt. R&B / Neo-Psychedelia 5.045

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