DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince

United States
#   Альбом Жанр Рейтинг
1 Rock the House (1987) Rock the House (1987) East Coast Hip-Hop / Pop-Rap / Turntablism 7.167 1
2 He's the DJ, I'm the Rapper (1988) He's the DJ, I'm the Rapper (1988) East Coast Hip-Hop / Pop-Rap / Turntablism 7.778 1  
3 And in This Corner... (1989) And in This Corner... (1989) East Coast Hip-Hop / Pop-Rap / Boom Bap 6.583 1
4 Homebase (1991) Homebase (1991) East Coast Hip-Hop / Pop-Rap 7.333 1
5 Code Red (1993) Code Red (1993) East Coast Hip-Hop / Pop-Rap 6.708 1

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