Latin Trap

Інші назви

Spanish Trap, Trapeton

Час заснування

2007 год

Ключовий реліз

Синл Ozuna - El Pistolón

Інші засновники

Ozuna, De La Ghetto

Схема виникнення

Trap Rap + Reggaeton + Contemporary R&B + Latin Hip-Hop + Chicano Rap = Latin Trap


Musical subgenre that originated in Puerto Rico. It has since spread throughout Latin America. Also known as Spanish-language trap, Latin trap is similar to mainstream trap which details 'la calle', or 'the streets'. The subgenre began to gain ever-growing popularity starting in the early 2010s. Latin trap takes influence from Puerto Rican reggaeton and Jamaican dembow, as well as American trap music, rhythm and blues and particularly Southern hip hop. Vocals include a b;end of rapping and singing, often in Spanish, while still maintaining the signature beat of reggaeton. The lyrics in Latin trap are often about street life, violence, sex, and drugs.

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