
last visit  09:14, 26 Feb
Fullname: Mykola Gutsuliak
Gender: Male
Birthday: 07 Feb, 1992
Country, City: Ukraine, Chernivtsi
About me:
Member Since: 30 Nov, 2012
Total count of estimated albums: 573
Percentage of estimated albums of the total number of albums on the site: 1.0 %
Total count of added albums: 109
Percentage of added albums of the total number of albums on the site: 0.0 %
Total count of rated songs: 6928
The average score by albums (songs): 6.885
Count of rated albums per day/week/month on average: 0.14/0.96/4.2
Total count of written reviews: 0
Got likes for reviews: 0

Last activity

Subcarpați - Zori și Asfințit (2018)
28 Dec, 2021
Subcarpați - Zori și Asfințit (2018)

Put the estimate   6.056

Subcarpați - Satele Unite Ale Balcanilor (2016)
22 Dec, 2021
Subcarpați - Satele Unite Ale Balcanilor (2016)

Put the estimate   6.308

Subcarpați - Pielea De Găină (2014)
18 Dec, 2021
Subcarpați - Pielea De Găină (2014)

Put the estimate   6.688

Subcarpați - Underground Folclor (2012)
12 Dec, 2021
Subcarpați - Underground Folclor (2012)

Put the estimate   5.917

Subcarpați - Subcarpați (2010)
12 Dec, 2021
Subcarpați - Subcarpați (2010)

Put the estimate   5.333

All added albums
The Neighbourhood - I Love You. (2013)
01 Feb
The Neighbourhood - I Love You. (2013)

Put the estimate   8.5

The Neighbourhood - Wiped Out! (2015)
31 Jan
The Neighbourhood - Wiped Out! (2015)

Put the estimate   6.818

Eminem - Encore (2004)
21 Dec, 2022
Eminem - Encore (2004)

Put the estimate   8.325

Eminem - The Eminem Show (2002)
21 Dec, 2022
Eminem - The Eminem Show (2002)

Put the estimate   9.025

Eminem - The Marshall Mathers LP (2000)
06 Nov, 2022
Eminem - The Marshall Mathers LP (2000)

Put the estimate   7.25

All rated albums
nickelaos didn't write any review

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