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About me: Ценю хорошую музыку. В своих оценках предельно честна и субъективна.
Member Since: 07 May, 2015
Total count of estimated albums: 150
Percentage of estimated albums of the total number of albums on the site: 0.0 %
Total count of added albums: 0
Percentage of added albums of the total number of albums on the site: 0.0 %
Total count of rated songs: 1969
The average score by albums (songs): 8.054
Count of rated albums per day/week/month on average: 0.05/0.32/1.4
Total count of written reviews: 0
Got likes for reviews: 0

Last activity

darksidejill didn't add any album
Rammstein - Mutter (2001)
10 May, 2015
Rammstein - Mutter (2001)

Put the estimate   9.636

Rammstein - Sehnsucht (1997)
10 May, 2015
Rammstein - Sehnsucht (1997)

Put the estimate   9.591

Rammstein - Herzeleid (1995)
10 May, 2015
Rammstein - Herzeleid (1995)

Put the estimate   9.091

John Lennon & Yoko Ono - Double Fantasy (1980)
10 May, 2015
John Lennon & Yoko Ono - Double Fantasy (1980)

Put the estimate   8.679

John Lennon - Imagine (1971)
10 May, 2015
John Lennon - Imagine (1971)

Put the estimate   9.05

All rated albums
darksidejill didn't write any review

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