
last visit  17:25, 23 Apr
Gender: Male
Birthday: 07 Jun, 1987
Country, City: Russian Federation,
About me:
Member Since: 17 Mar, 2017
Total count of estimated albums: 1276
Percentage of estimated albums of the total number of albums on the site: 3.0 %
Total count of added albums: 166
Percentage of added albums of the total number of albums on the site: 0.0 %
Total count of rated songs: 13294
The average score by albums (songs): 8.273
Count of rated albums per day/week/month on average: 0.49/3.45/15.0
Total count of written reviews: 0
Got likes for reviews: 0

Last activity

Billy Joel - The Nylon Curtain (1982)
28 Jan
Billy Joel - The Nylon Curtain (1982)

Put the estimate   8.556

Billy Joel - Glass Houses (1980)
28 Jan
Billy Joel - Glass Houses (1980)

Put the estimate   8.65

Fleetwood Mac - Mirage (1982)
26 Oct, 2023
Fleetwood Mac - Mirage (1982)

Put the estimate   8.583

Fleetwood Mac - Bare Trees (1972)
25 Oct, 2023
Fleetwood Mac - Bare Trees (1972)

Put the estimate   8.4

Fleetwood Mac - Mystery To Me (1973)
25 Oct, 2023
Fleetwood Mac - Mystery To Me (1973)

Put the estimate   8.375

All added albums
W.A.S.P. - The Crimson Idol (1992)
11 Apr
W.A.S.P. - The Crimson Idol (1992)

Put the estimate   8.8

W.A.S.P. - The Last Command (1985)
07 Apr
W.A.S.P. - The Last Command (1985)

Put the estimate   8.65

W.A.S.P. - W.A.S.P. (1984)
07 Apr
W.A.S.P. - W.A.S.P. (1984)

Put the estimate   8.65

Radiohead - OK Computer (1997)
05 Apr
Radiohead - OK Computer (1997)

Put the estimate   8.583

Radiohead - In Rainbows (2007)
04 Apr
Radiohead - In Rainbows (2007)

Put the estimate   8.75

All rated albums
Gash didn't write any review

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