Оцінки Dredg - Leitmotif (1998)

CD 1 Рейтинг
1 易 (Symbol Song) 8.5 7 7.75
2 Movement I: @45°N. 180°W 9 7.5 8.25
3 Lechium 8 7.5 7.75
4 Movement II: Crosswind Minuet 6.5 7 6.75
5 Traversing Through the Arctic Cold We Search for the Spirit of Yuta 8 7 7.5
6 Movement III: Lyndon 6 7 6.5
7 Penguins in the Desert 6 7.5 6.75
8 Movement IV: RR 8 7 7.5
9 Yatahaze 7.5 7.5 7.5
10 Movement V: 90 Hour Sleep 7 7 7.0
7.45 7.2 7.325

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