CD 1 Рейтинг
1 Inpropogation 7.5 8 7.75
2 Corporeal Jigsaw Quandary 8.5 8.5 8.5
3 Symposium Of Sickness 8 7.5 7.75
4 Pedigree Butchery 7.5 7.5 7.5
5 Incarnated Solvent Abuse 8 8 8.0
6 Carneous Cacoffiny 7.5 7.5 7.5
7 Lavaging Expectorate Of Lysergide Composition 8 8 8.0
8 Forensic Clinicism/The Sanguine Article 7.5 7 7.25
7.813 7.75 7.781

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