Оцінки Xeaoxa - PAX (2017)

CD 1 Рейтинг
1 To speak now of the true temper of empire, 10 10.0
2 it is a thing rare and hard to keep, 10 10.0
3 for both temper and distemper consist of contraries; 10 10.0
4 but it is one thing to mingle contraries, another to interchange them. 9.5 9.5
5 And certain it is, that nothing destroyeth authority 9.5 9.5
6 so much as the unequal and untimely 10 10.0
7 interchange of power pressed too far and relaxed too much. 9.5 9.5
8 The difficulties are many and great; 10 10.0
9 but the greatest difficulty is often in their own mind. 9 9.0
10 A war cannot justly be made 10 10.0
11 but upon a precedent injury or provocation; 9.5 9.5
12 for there is no question but a just fear 9 9.0
13 of an imminent danger. 9.5 9.5
9.654 9.654

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