CD 1 Рейтинг
1 Ending Story? 9 2 5.5
2 ONION! 9 1 5.0
3 The Beginning 10 3 6.5
4 Clock Strikes 9.5 2 5.75
5 Be the Light 9.5 3 6.25
6 Nothing Helps 10 2 6.0
7 Juvenile 7.5 3 5.25
8 All Mine 9.5 2 5.75
9 Smiling Down 9 3 6.0
10 Deeper Deeper 9 2 5.5
11 69 9 1 5.0
12 The Same as... 10 1 5.5
9.25 2.083 5.667

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